Friday, September 17, 2021

September 17 - Charles Tomlinson Griffes (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for September 17th are here: Hank Williams (2019) and Saverio Mercadante (2020)



Charles Tomlinson Griffes (17 September 1884 – 8 April 1920) was an American composer. 





















Changing Perspectives


His papers passed to his younger sister Marguerite, who chose to destroy many that explicitly related to his life as a homosexual. -- Wikipedia

When his sister read his papers

She was stricken with the vapors.

She was shocked and startled when

She read about his sex with men.

But he’s often played today,

To celebrate that he was gay,

And what his sister tried to hide

Is treated as a source of Pride.

Keep this cheerful fact in view

If you are LGBTQ.




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1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I learned something, once again, from your marvelous poetry. Thank you.
