Monday, November 29, 2021

November 29 - John Gary; Gaetano Donizetti (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 29th are here: Gustave Reese; Gaetano Donizetti (2019) and Gaetano Donizetti (2020)



John Gary (29 November 1932 – 4 January 1998) was an American singer, recording artist,and  television host.  
















Bargain Bin

Perhaps, if you are old enough,

You saw John Gary do his stuff.

There was a time back then when he

Was everywhere on your TV.

Used record shops, of course, still carry

Nostalgic vinyl by John Gary,

And though the stock on hand will vary, ---

They’re in “Adult Contemporary”.







Gaetano Donizetti (29 November 1797 –  April 1848) was one of the most important and popular 
of nineteenth-century opera composers.















Advice on Casting Donizetti 

A diva is often the reason

That his operas are part of the season.

I’d suggest you invest

In the best of the best

When you scheduled bel canto like these in.



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