Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 29 - Gaetano Donizetti (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gaetano Donizetti (29 November 1797 – 8 April 1848) was one of the most important and popular 
of nineteenth-century opera composers.

[For last year's limerick on Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor and quatrain on Gustave Reese click here.] 













If You’ve Got It (1)

A soprano possessing the means

To warble those three English queens,

Must first sink her teeth in-

To things ‘lizabethan

Before she can chew up those scenes.

If You’ve Got It (2)

If a tenor can sing a high C,

He will surely attempt “Mes amis,”

And though all that squalling

Is kind of appalling,

It has to be sung in that key.


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