Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 12 - Gustav Nottebohm (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Gustav Nottebohm (12 November 1817 – 29 October 1882) was a musical scholar, pianist, collector, music editor, and composer. 

[For last year's posts on Richard Whiting and Alexander Borodin click here.]
















Sketchy Behavior


How does a genius conceive of their pieces?

By serious study or careless caprices?

Perhaps we can learn how their plans were refined

By reading the notebooks that they left behind.


Herr Gustav Nottebohm founded the field

Of looking at sketches to see what they’d yield.

He studied the scrawlings that Beethoven drafted

And hoped to discover how each note was crafted,

Deciphering piles of inscrutable pages

To follow ideas through developing stages.


The field of “sketch studies” became for a time

The thing of the moment, a dozen a dime,

Perhaps it’s too bad that this brand of polemics

Became such a fad among young academics,

For hundreds of talented scholarly wretches

Padded their resumés writing on sketches,

And though dissertations were duly defended

The result of this labor was largely dead-ended.



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