Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 12 - Richard Whiting; Alexander Borodin (The Musical Birthday Series)

Richard Whiting (12 November 1891 – 9 February 1938) was a notable composer of popular songs for Tin Pan Alley and Hollywood.

Too Marvellous for Words

Oh, how pleasant to be writing
Birthday praise for Richard Whiting!

Never quite a household name
But the songs that brought him fame
Stand as standards, just the same.


Alexander Borodin (12 November 1833 – 27 February 1887) was a chemist who composed avocationally. He is, of course, now remembered for the latter.


Discussion of Borodin premised
On the fact of his career as a chemist,
Might miss that his musical side
Was also a source of his pride.

If he’d known that music of his met
The fate of appearing in Kismet,
It were somewhat less likely to sadden
Than if it was heard in Aladdin.

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