Friday, November 22, 2019

November 22 - Benjamin Britten (The Musical Birthday Series)

Benjamin Britten (22 November 1913 – 4 December 1976) was one of the leading British composers of the mid/late twentieth century.

Product Placement

Said the elderly Benjamin Britten
When surveying the things he had written,
“I hope that posterity
Will view them with charity,
And find a small niche they can fit in."

Compare and Contrast

Billy Budd
  (Latent lust).
Noye’s Fludde
  (Blatant trust).

Albert Herring: A Synopsis

Albert Herring, rather drunk,
Thought himself to be a hunk.
Loaded, as he was, with Scotch
Went out on his first debauch.
When he up and disappeared
Mayhem and foul play were feared.
Worthies of the town heard tell
That he perished in a well,
But when their threnody was through,
Albert turned up good as new.

Peter Grimes: Synopsis

Day’s begun,
The rising sun,
A gentle English tide.

Peter Grimes
Committed crimes,
Or so the village cried.

“He’s no felon,”
Countered Ellen,
“And I will be his guide.”

But the boy
In his employ
Took a fatal slide.

In the end,
Without a friend,
He sank his boat and died.

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