Thursday, November 21, 2019

November 21 - Ernest Charles; Coleman Hawkins; Björk; Sigfrid Karg-Elert (The Musical Birthday Series)

Ernest Charles (21 November 1895 – 16 April 1984) was a composer of sentimentally effective recital songs.

Coleman Hawkins (21 November 1904 – 19 May 1969) was a great jazz tenor sax player.

Björk (b. 21 November 1965) is an Icelandic singer and song writer.

Sigfrid Karg-Elert (21 November 1877 – 9 April 1933) still has a small niche in the organ repertoire.

A Bouquet of Observations and Maxims


A concert singer never snarls
When singing songs by Ernest Charles

T’would Be a Sacrilege...

Though Ernest Charles was from Minnesota
The people there don’t care an iota.


Romantic couples might relax
To Coleman Hawkins playing sax.
Leastwise if he plays a ballad,
Otherwise, the clause is not valid. 

Keep Calm and Move to Iceland

Take a breath, don’t go berserk,
It’s only Björk, she’s being Björk.


Sigfrid Karg-Elert’s organ works yield
Harmonic excursions that go far afield.

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