Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March 1 - Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte; Dinah Shore (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for March 1st are here: Dimitri Mitropoulos (2019), Frédéric Chopin (2020), and Frédéric Chopin; Harry Belafonte (2021)



Frédéric Chopin (1 March 1810 – 17 October 1849) remains one of the most popular of nineteenth century composers.











Études at Home

Said Chopin to one of his buddies,

“My neighbors are old fuddy-duddies,

They call the police

And they threaten my lease,

Whenever I play my new ‘Studies’.”





Harry Belafonte (b. 1 March 1927) is an American singer, songwriter, activist, and actor. 

















Ignorance Is Bliss 


When baseball crowds en masse sing Day-O,

I doubt that many know that they owe

This easy-on-the-cheering throat song

To Belafonte’s “Banana Boat Song”.






Dinah Shore (born Frances Rose Shore; March 1, 1917 – February 24, 1994) was an American singer, actress, and television personality, and the top-charting female vocalist of the 1940s. 


Shore Enough

A name we don’t hear anymore

Is that of singer Dinah Shore,

A career like hers, which was top drawer,

Especially in the years post-War,

Has proven easy to ignore. —

A fact there’s no accounting for.









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