Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 13 - Félicien David (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 13th may be found here: William Sterndale Bennett (2020), Howard Keel (2019), and Frederic Rzewski (2021)



Félicien David (13 April 1810 – 29 August 1876) was a French composer, chiefly remembered for his operas. 
















Gone… But Not Forgotten (Sort Of)

The chances are you haven’t heard a note

Of anything that David ever wrote,

And this is why perhaps you are perplexed

To find him in your music history text.

It sometimes happens that a name is found

In reference works or otherwise around, 

No longer joined to any living sound.


One needn’t write ones music for the ages

To find it’s been enshrined in history’s pages.




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