Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27 - Eric Coates (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 27th are here: Lester Young (2019), Rebecca Clarke; Eric Coates (2020), and Leon Theremin (2021)



Eric Coates (27 August 1886 – 21 December 1957) was an English composer of light music and, early in his career, a violist. 


















Light Makes Right

Your public station probably devotes

Attention to the works of Eric Coates;

His charming tunes and cheerful orchestration

Make perfect filler for that kind of station.


A Parable of Talents


In its obituary notice, The Manchester Guardian took issue with such a dismissal, and preferred the French attitude of cherishing petits-maĆ®tres for what they were rather than condemning them for what they were not: "better to write second-class masterpieces than fail to be a second Beethoven". -- Wikipedia

Take up your pen

   And do what you do best!

Don’t follow when

   You’re tempted to a quest

That, though it’s grand,

   Is frankly quite above you.

Stick to your brand

   ‘Cause that’s why people love you!

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