Friday, August 27, 2021

August 27 - Leon Theremin (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 27th are here: Lester Young (2019) and Rebecca Clarke; Eric Coates (2020)



Leon Theremin (28 August [O.S. 15 August] 1896 – 3 November 1993) was a Russian and Soviet  inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin.

















Two Thought on Leon Theremin


Leon Theremin moved his hands

To give his instrument commands,

And if you saw him you would swear

He conjured music out of air.


I doubt that anyone aspires

To make those eerie sounds in choirs,

But if they did, the thing requires

Theremins and lots of wires.

(Available from good suppliers.)




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