Thursday, August 26, 2021

August 26 - Nico Muhly; Aloys Schmitt (The Musical Birthday Series; 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 26 are here: Leon Redbone (2019) and Humphrey Searle (2020)



Nico Muhly (b.1981) is an American composer whose influences range from American minimalism to the Anglican choral tradition. --adapted from





















Minimal Effects


As a first-year master's student at Juilliard at age 22, Muhly began working for Philip Glass as an archivist, and later an editor, conductor, and keyboardist, for eight years. --- Wikipedia 

Just a bit on the young Nico Muhly:

While attending the Juilliard School, he

Worked after class

For the great Philip Glass,

But it didn’t affect him unduly.



Aloys Schmitt (26 August 1788 – 25 July 1866) was a German composer, pianist, and music teacher.














Still Going

Here’s just a bit

On Aloys Schmitt,

   Whose Preparatory Exercises

Can still be bought,

And therefore, taught,

    At piano playing enterprises.





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