Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22 - Claude Debussy; Sergius Kagen (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 22nd are here: Claude Debussy; Karlheinz Stockhausen (2019) and Claude Debussy (2020)



Claude Debussy (22 August 1862 – 25 March 1918) was one of the great innovators of his time, and remains a concert staple.





















Simon Sez, Take a Whole Step

A whole tone scale is just, perhaps,

A major scale with extra gaps.

And other scales and other modes

Contain no semitonic nodes.

And semitones (like C to B)

Are something that Claude Debussy

Avoids with such exotic scales,

In which no tonal goal prevails.

Which means although it’s still harmonic

His music vitiates the tonic.

And that, although a bit simplistic

Is why it sounds Impressionistic.



Sergius Kagen (22 August 1909 – 1 March 1964) was an American pianist, composer,  music editor and voice teacher. 























Sergius Kagen wrote the book

  (Quite literally speaking)

On vocal rep, so take a look,

   And find the songs you’re seeking.

Or you can make another choice

   And read his other text,

On how to train the singer’s voice,

  A guide to the perplexed.

And as your vocal skills increase

   And come into fruition,

You’ll study each new masterpiece

  In Kagen’s own edition.



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