Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 17 - Nicola Porpora; Mae West (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 17 are here: Nicola Porpora (2019) and (2020)



Nicola Porpora (17 August 1686 – 3 March 1768) was a fine composer and a great singing teacher.

















Nicola Porpora three years in a row

  May strike you as rather too much,

But there aren’t other birthdays you’re likely to know,

 So we’ll have to make do in a clutch.

Nicola Porpora never quite flowered;

 He spent his whole career on the brink,

At every new job his relationships soured,

 Which sums it all up, I should think.





Mae West (17 August 1893 – 22 November 1980) was an American stage and film actress, playwright, screenwriter, and singer.















Mae the Force

I’m really not going to suggest 

That the singing of actress Mae West

Was the part if her act

That did most to attract —-

I think that that part was her chest.



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