Thursday, August 12, 2021

August 12 - Michael Kidd (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 12th are here: Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber (2019) and Joseph Barnby (2020)



Michael Kidd (12 August 1915 – 23 December 2007) was an American film and stage choreographer, dancer, and actor. 



















Step Right This Way


He initially turned down the assignment, recalling in 1997: "Here are these slobs living off in the woods. They have no schooling, they are uncouth, there's manure on the floor, the cows come in and out—and they're gonna get up and dance?" -- Wikipedia


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is particularly known for Kidd's unusual 

choreography, which makes dance numbers out of such mundane frontier 

pursuits as chopping wood and raising a barn. -- adapted from  

Wikipedia, s.v. "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"



If Michael Kidd had had his druthers

Those seven brides and seven brothers

    Wouldn't have been asked to dance,

Because, he said, no frontier dude

Would strike a graceful attitude

     In some balletic stance.

But watch the film and you will find

He had a total change of mind -

      (You’ll see it at a glance).

The dances he at last devised

Were Western actions stylized,

Balletic movement in disguise

As settlers become dancing guys,

    As if it were by chance.



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