Monday, August 23, 2021

August 23 - Ernst Krenek; Moritz Moszkowski (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 23rd are here: Malvina Reynolds (2019) and Gene Kelly (2020)



Ernst Krenek (23 August 1900 –22 December 1991) was an Austrian, later American, composer of Czech origin.






















With the Wind

Krenek's music encompassed a variety of styles and reflects many of the principal musical influences of the 20th century. — Wikipedia 

Ernst Krenek had

  A chance to try

Each passing fad

  That rambled by.

He’d try one for

  Ten years or so,

Then change once more

   His status quo.







Moritz Moszkowski (23 August 1854 – 4 March 1925) was a German composer, pianist, and teacher of Polish-Jewish descent.























Gone, Not Quite Forgotten

Though Moritz Moszkowski was, in his day,

   A famous virtuoso,

His name recognition has faded away,

   And now it's merely so-so.




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