Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 5 - Guillaume Du Fay; Ambroise Thomas (The Musical Birthday Series; 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 5th are here: Guillaume DuFay (2019) and (2020)



Guillaume Dufay (or more fashionably Du Fay) (5 August, c. 1397 – 27 November 1474) was one of the greatest composers in Western music history.



















Ode to the Archivists

The link between the Du Fay family and the Cathedral of Cambrai is the sole reason a large amount of information is known about Du Fay's early life, as the institute kept detailed records on all affiliated persons. --- Wikipedia

There is a simple reason why

We know so much about Du Fay,

Although he’s a medieval guy.

The reason is, or so they say,

The admirably careful way

They kept their records at Cambrai.





Ambroise Thomas (5 August 1811 – 12 February 1896) was a French composer and teacher, best known for his operas.






















Take What You Can Get

Ambroise Thomas and his Mignon

Are not, at the present, widely known.

“Je suis Titania,” is among

The famous arias, rarely sung.


Though now and then you’ll see the title

In a concert or recital,

You will seldom hear these pages

From our operatic stages.




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