Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 28 - Paul Henry Lang (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 28th are here: Umberto Giordano; Ivor Gurney; Léon Theremin (2019) and Carolmannus Pachschmidt; Peter[von] Winter (2019)



Paul Henry Lang (28 August 1901 – 21 September 1991) was a Hungarian-American musicologist and music critic. 


















The Ballad of a Legacy

When musicology was new,

   And largely unaccepted,

Paul Henry Lang made his debut,

   And did the unexpected, --

He was the first professor in

   A newly-minted ology,

Engaging in the discipline

    Without the least apology.

And as this academic field

  Expanded its variety,

He joined with others and revealed

   A scholarly Society.

And after that he looked around

   For something else to do,

A something which he duly found

   In editing MQ.

And through it all he taught and wrote,

    (Provocative at times),

In scholarship that I would note

     If this were not in rhymes.

Professor Lang has gone to dust,

    But tenured academics

Still employ the cut and thrust

    Of musical polemics.




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