Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21 - Count Basie; Lili Boulanger (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for August 21st are here: Janet Baker (2019) and Gregg Smith (2020)



Count Basie (21 August 1904 – 26 April 1984) was an American jazz pianist, organist, bandleader, and composer.


















Counting Verse


During a broadcast the announcer wanted to give Basie's name some style, so he called him "Count." -- Wikipedia

When asked was it really the case, he

Admitted he wasn’t Count Basie,

“But I have a nobility,

Not blood, but ability,

And the title looks good prima facie.”



Lili Boulanger (21 August 1893 – 15 March 1918) was a French composer, and the first female winner of the Prix de Rome composition prize.















To Lili: In Memoriam

It always makes us sad to say

That death took Lili Boulanger

        At twenty-four.

And though it is an old cliché

When younger persons pass away,

I’ll end my verse with this today,


She had such riches yet to give,

If only Fate had let her live

       Some more.




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