Saturday, November 26, 2022

November 26 - Robert Goulet (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 26th are here: Tina Turner; Robert Goulet (2019), Earl Wild (2020). and Johannes Bach (2021)



Robert Goulet (26 November 1933 – 30 October 2007) was a baritone singer who was hugely successful on Broadway and recorded numerous hit LPs.

















Signature Look

The American Mustache Institute presents The Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year Award to the person who best represents or contributes to the Mustached American community during that year. – Wikipedia

The American Mustache Institute was

Taken with Robert Goulet because

He show such taste and craftsmanship

When decking out his upper lip.

And so the group’s well-mustached board

Created an eponymous award.



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