Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 10 -- Idabell Smith Firestone (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 10th are here: Martin Luther; Carl Stalling (2019), Johann Christian Schieferdecker (2020), and François Couperin; Friedrich Schiller (2021)


Idabelle Smith Firestone (10 November 1874 – 7 July 1954) was an American composer and songwriter.






















An accomplished songwriter, she composed "If I Could Tell You" as the opening theme for the radio, and later television, music program The Voice of Firestone. The show was sponsored by her husband's company,  Firestone Tires. An earlier song by Idabelle Firestone, "In My Garden", was used as the program's closing theme.  – Wikipedia, s.v. “If I Could Tell You”

“If I Could Tell You” was a song

That Idabelle Smith Firestone wrote,

And while there’s really nothing wrong

That she was able to promote

Her personal composing dreams,

Not everyone with such desires 

Has millions hear their cloying themes

As funded by their husband's tires.




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