Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 21 - Thomas Attwood Walmisley; Henri Duparc (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for January 21st are here: Henri Duparc (2020), (2021), and (2022)


Thomas Attwood Walmisley (21 January 1814 – 17 January 1856) was an English composer and organist.















Walmisley is remembered chiefly for his Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D minor, which have a place in the Anglican choral repertoire. He also composed numerous Anglican chants still in general use. -- Wikipedia

Thomas Attwood Walmisley wrote

   Music for a high church setting,

Chants and anthems which denote

   Sacred things and proper vetting,

With liturgy, a proper choir,

   Proper solemn English faces,

And the service sung entire

   In proper neo-Gothic spaces.






Henri Duparc (21 January 1848 – 12 February 1933) was a French composer, principally of songs.





















Finding Your Advocates

About Duparc, please know that he

Composed exquisite mélodies

Encountered chiefly nowadays

By singers earning MFAs.




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