Thursday, April 20, 2023

April 20 - Nikolai Myaskovsky (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 20th may be found here: Tito Puente; Lionel Hampton (2019), Georg Michael Telemann (sic) (2020), Luther Vandross (2021), and John Eliot Gardiner (2022) 



Nikolai Myaskovsky (20 April 1881 – 8 August 1950), was a Russian and Soviet composer.










A Place on the Shelf

He is sometimes referred to as the "Father of the Soviet Symphony". -- Wikipedia

With twenty-seven symphonies

  To Myaskovsky’s credit

He had a chance a real fame

  And yet we find instead, it

 Turned out he’s a figure

  With erudite admirers,

But not a man who’s asked about

  By casual inquirers.


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