Monday, April 24, 2023

April 24 - Johann Philipp Kirnberger (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for April 24th may be found here: Barbra Streisand (2019), Barbra Streisand (2020), Giovanni Battista Martini (2021), and John Williams (2023)


Johann Philipp Kirnberger (24 April 1721 – 27 July 1783) was a musician, composer (primarily of fugues), and music theorist. He was a student of Bach.





















Kirnberger is known today primarily for his theoretical work Die Kunst des reinen Satzes in der Musik (The Art of Strict Composition in Music, 1774, 1779).  -- Wikipedia

Kirnberger, the famous theorist,

Followed Bach at his severest,

Which is to say, that he was strict

At what he chose to interdict.



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