Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28 - Joey Roukens (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous postings for March 28th may be found here: Paul Whiteman (2019), Lady Gaga (2020), Alf Clausen (2021), and Lady Gaga (2022)


Joey Roukens (b. 28 March 1982) is one of the leading Dutch composers of his generation.




















Mixed Motives

At times my music may hover on the verge of kitsch and banality, but at the same time I’m not interested in presenting only easy-listening to my audience. – Joey Roukens

Joey Roukens, who is Dutch,

Admits to using kitsch and such,

Is he earnest or ironic

When he mixes up a sonic

Cocktail, (like a gin and tonic)

To stimulate the Philharmonic?




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