Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28 - Paul Whiteman (The Musical Birthday Series)

Paul Whiteman (28 March 1890 – 29 December 1967) was one of the leading dance bands of his time.  These days the memory of his many hit recordings has faded, and his name surfaces most often in conjunction the premiere discussed below.  
Today's post takes the form is a sort of bloated limerick with many inner couplets replacing the normal single couplet.

Am I Blue?

George Gershwin himself was on hand
To play with the Paul Whiteman Band.
What they played (it was new)
Is well known to you;
What they played, (need a clue?)
Here it is: it was “Blue”.
What they played on that day,
As arranged by Grofé
Has become a cliché
In programming way
At venues all over the land.

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