Friday, March 22, 2019

March 22 - Stephen Sondheim & Andrew Lloyd Webber (The Musical Birthday Series)

Today we observe the astounding coincidence that Stephen Sondheim (born 22 March 1930)  and Andrew Lloyd Webber (born 22 March 1948) share a birthday. 

Compare and Contrast
Lloyd Webber and Sondheim, who both share this day,
Expect different things of a musical play.
They write to appeal to dissimilar classes:
One for the in-group, and one for the masses.


Wotan on the Thames
If Sondheim
Wrote Stabreim,
Our friend Sweeney Todd,
The harbor’s
Best barber,
Would sound like a god.


West End Story
Sing a song of Andrew Lloyd Webber,
Beloved of the crowd,
Who alternates in every endeavor
‘Twixt sentiment and loud.

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