Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30 - Pauline Oliveros (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 30th are found here: Benny Goodman (2019), Gustav Leonhardt (2020), Benny Goodman (2021), and Benny Goodman (2022)


Pauline Oliveros (30 May 1932 – 24 November 2016) was an American experimental composer and accordionist. 
















Listen, My Children

This aesthetic is designed to inspire both trained and untrained performers to practice the art of listening and responding to environmental conditions in solo and ensemble situations". – Jason Ankeny, qtd. In Wikipedia

Heidi Von Gunden names a new musical theory developed by Oliveros, "sonic awareness", and describes it as "the ability to consciously focus attention upon environmental and musical sound", requiring "continual alertness and an inclination to be always listening" – Wikipedia

Oliveros felt people should reap

The blessings of listening deep;

But I note, (with unfairness?)

That such “sonic awareness”

Would probably put me to sleep.



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