Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 27 - Louis Durey; Ralph Carmichael (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 27th are available here: Celius Dougherty (2019), Harold Rome (2020), Joachim Raff (2021). and Fromental Halévy (2022)


Louis Durey (7 May 1888 – 3 July 1979) was a French composer and member of Les Six.










On Your Marx

After the war, he embraced hard-line communism and his uncompromising political attitudes hindered his career. – Wikipedia

Though his music was charming and deft,

He had no political heft,

And Durey pretty near

Put an end to his career

With his ties to the Communist Left.





Ralph Carmichael (27 May 1927 – 18 October 2021) was an American composer and arranger. He is regarded as one of the pioneers of contemporary Christian music.  













If you’re looking for someone to blame

For what music for worship became,

For its downward trajectory

In chancel and rectory,

The Carmichael name has a claim.


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