Thursday, May 27, 2021

May 27 - Joachim Raff (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 27th are available here: Celius Dougherty (2019) and Harold Rome (2020)



Joachim Raff (27 May 1822 – 24 or 25 June 1882) was a German-Swiss composer, pedagogue, and pianist.




















Raff and Tumble

“[Joachim Raff] achieve[d] a reputation equal to those of Brahms and Wagner. He was amongst the most performed of living composers, not only in concert halls but also in homes throughout the music loving world…. Yet….despite all Raff’s acclaim and the recognition afforded him in his lifetime, almost from the moment of his death in 1882, his reputation slid into a rapid and seemingly irreversible decline. ” ---

While Raff was once ranked with the best,

The Fates have remained unimpressed.

Though once at the summit,

He plummeted from it

To a nadir he couldn’t have guessed.





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