Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 19 - Nellie Melba (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 19th may be found here: Albert Hay Malotte (2019) and Nellie Melba (2020)












Nellie Melba (19 May 1861 – 23 February 1931) was an Australia coloratura soprano who was one of the most widely admired singers of her time.


Good Enough to Eat

Nellie Melba, as a star,

Was idolized both near and far.

Fans, enraptured, would “encore!” her;

Escoffier named dishes for her.

Anyone who reads this post

Has heard, no doubt, of Melba toast;

And a dish of Melba peaches

Goes with after dinner speeches.

As a star, you’ve made it when you

See your name is on the menu.



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