Monday, May 24, 2021

May 24 - Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 24th may be found here: Bob Dylan (2019) and Patti LaBelle (2020)



Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach (24 May 1759 – 25 December 1845) was the only grandson of J. S. Bach to gain fame as a composer. He said, "Heredity can tend to run out of ideas."  




















Too Far from the Tree


"Heredity can tend to run out of ideas." --- W.F.E. Bach, qtd. in Wikipedia 

J.S. Bach had musical sons

  Who took the world by storm,

And in a clan where talent runs,

  It’s probably the norm.

So what a shock to W.F.E.,

  If the second generation,

That it was he, and only he,

  In the family vocation.

Perhaps there’s some genetic hitch,

  Some mystery which means

That grandsons miss the talent which

  Is stored up in their genes.



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