Wednesday, May 26, 2021

May 26 - Isadora Duncan (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 26th are available here: William Bolcom (2019) and Teresa Stratas (2020)



Isadora Duncan (26 May 1877 or 27 May 1878 – September 14, 1927) was an innovative American dancer who performed to great acclaim throughout Europe.





















When Isadora Not Isadora; or, If It Isn’t a Duncan...

In both and private life, Duncan flouted traditional cultural standards. 

By the late 1920s, Duncan's performing career had dwindled, and she became as notorious for her financial woes, scandalous love life and all-too-frequent public drunkenness. She spent her final years moving between Paris and the Mediterranean, running up debts at hotels. She spent short periods in apartments rented on her behalf by a decreasing number of friends and supporters. ---both from Wikipedia

Isadora Duncan, with esprit

Tried to make the dance more free,

Wowing Paris, Moscow, Munich

Dancing in her Grecian tunic.

While freedom is a lofty goal

For any unrestricted soul,

In real life one needs control.

How different might her life have been

If she had had more discipline!



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