Friday, May 21, 2021

May 22 - Richard Wagner (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Limericks re-telling the plots of the Ring operas may be found here: Ring (2019).  Limericks re-telling the plots of the canonical non-Ring opera may be found here: non-Ring (2020)



Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883) revolutionized opera in the last half of the nineteenth century.


Six Limericks for R.W.







































Festival Fodder


Herr Wagner was full of the knowledge he

Had gathered on German mythology,

And so, in due course,

These tales from the Norse

Became a titanic tetralogy.


“Don’t You Wish Everyone Did?”

And remember, there is no air-conditioning in the house.... —- Anthony Tommasini on the Bayreuth Festspielhaus, New York Times

Wagnerian birds of a feather

Who gather at Bayreuth together,

Pin fatuous hopes

On deodorant soaps

In stretches of hot summer weather.


Lyrical Logo

The Leitmotif was an invention

Designed to give sonic dimension

To points in the plot,

Or to any stray thought

That the characters happen to mention.





































The Unanswered Question 

The musical world was floored

By Tristan’s mysterious chord;

It’s tonal deflection 

Was pregnant with direction -

But was it away or toward?



A Theorist Opines

Wagnerian harmonic analysis 

Has led me to mental paralysis.

The recondite grind

On my erudite mind

Is causing me cognitive calluses.


The Answered Question 

Miss Russell, whose Guide to the Ring

Makes affectionate fun of the thing,

Explains why we spend

Fifteen hours on end

On a tale about magical bling.






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