Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 22 - Richard Wagner (The Musical Birthday Series)

Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883) revolutionized opera in the last half of the nineteenth century.

The Limericks of the Nibelung

Das Rheingold
It starts with a ring in the Rhine,
Then Alberich says “Now it’s mine!”
It’s given to giants
For building compliance,
And the gods cross a bridge in a line.

Die Walküre
Siegmund! Sieglinde! (In myth
It’s OK to elope with your kith.)
Then watch Wotan build a
Big rock for Brunnhilde
And surround it with fire forthwith.

Siegfried, a boy of the woods,
Had all of the physical goods.
He had abs, he had pecs,
But in matters of sex
He didn’t know shouldn’ts from shoulds.

The Norns drop their rope with a thud
(The plot by this point, clear as mud),
There are potions, disguises,
And oaths, and surprises,
Until it all ends in a flood.