Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 3 - Richard D'Oyly Carte (The Musical Birthday Series)

Richard D'Oyly Carte (3 May 1844 – 3 April 1901) was an English talent agent, theatrical impresario, and hotelier.  He is responsible for launching and nurturing the success of the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.

Pentameters for an Impresario
O sing the praise of Richard D’Oyly Carte,
Who gave the team of G and S their start!
The three beguiled the world with lively shows
In alternating bits of song and prose;
While G. supplied the words, and S. the score,
R. D’O. C. provided the decor.
He built a stage and dubbed it the Savoy
And kept the three in lucrative employ.
And year by year their bank accounts grew fatter
From sentiment and parody and patter.

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