Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May 12 - Johann Baptist Wanhal (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 12th may be found here: Jules Massenet; Gabriel Fauré (2019) and Burt Bacharach (2020)




Johann Baptist Wanhal (12 May 1739 – 20 August 1813) was a Czech composer who was admired by Haydn. Mozart, and Beethoven. 
















Household Economics

His piano pieces were written for a growing middle class, supplied him with the means to live a modest, economically independent life, and live in good quarters near St. Stephen's Cathedral. —adapted from Wikipedia

“His life was rather long and lacked stress.” direct quote from Wikipedia 

Johann Baptist Wanhal was

   An independent guy.

He knew the sort of music that

   The Viennese would buy.

His life was rather long and lacked

   The element of stress;

 He earned enough to get himself

   A comfortable address. 





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