Saturday, May 8, 2021

May 8 - Ricky Nelson (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 8th may be found here: Louis Moreau Gottschalk (2019) and Keith Jarett (2020)




Ricky Nelson (8 May 1940 – 31 December 1985) was an American rock 'n' roll star and actor. 


Silver Spoon

At age sixteen, he wanted to impress his girlfriend and, although he had no record contract at the time, told her that he, too, was going to make a record. With his father's help, he secured a one-record deal with Verve Records. Before the single was released, he made his television rock-and-roll debut on April 10, 1957, singing and playing the drums to "I'm Walkin'" in the Ozzie and Harriet episode "Ricky, the Drummer". -- adapted from Wikipedia

Young Ricky of Ozzie and Harriet

Arrived, as it were, on a chariot;

He had help from his dad

In a way that’s not had

By folks in the mere proletariat.






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