Friday, May 28, 2021

May 28 - Riccardo Zandonai (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 28th are available here: György Ligeti (2019) and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (2020)


Riccardo Zandonai (28 May 1883 – 5 June 1944) was an Italian composer, especially of operas.













Francesca da Rimini, By Jiminy!

“But as the evening wears on, you are likely to wonder why anyone felt any of it [Francesca da Rimini] was worth the bother.” -- Steve Smith, NYT review of Met production of Francesca da Rimini, March 6, 2013

Perhaps you are a gal or guy

Who’s never heard of Zandonai.

It shouldn’t be a source of shame

If you have never heard his name.

There’s always been a certain type

Who thinks the music meets the hype,

While critics of a different stripe

Are apt to find it overripe 

He wrote an opera (lurid? very!)

Based on Dante Alighieri,

When he thought there might be cash in 

Illicit thirteen century passion .

And Zandonai owes his survival 

To its occasional revival.



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 [Also, please visit my other blog: Alternate Tales: Great Art Repurposed.] 


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