Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 23 - Alicia de Larrocha; Johann Bernhard Bach (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 23rd may be found here: Robert Moog (2019) and Artie Shaw (2020)



Alicia de Larrocha  (23 May 1923 – 25 September 2009) was a great Spanish pianist.
















Alicia de Larrocha was

   Diminutive and charming.

She won the public’s heart because

   Her playing was disarming.

She did the things a pianist does,

   But never was alarming.







Johann Bernhard Bach (23 May 1676 – 11 June 1749) was a German composer and organist. He was second cousin of J. S. Bach.












In the Family

Johann Bernhard Bach

      Of Eisenach,

Was succeeded there,

      By his heir,

Who was his eldest son.

      Nicely done!







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