Tuesday, May 18, 2021

May 18 - Margot Fonteyn (The Musical Birthday Series, 3rd Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 18th may be found here: Perry Como (2019) and Meredith Willson (2020)




Margot Fonteyn (18 May 1919 – 21 February 1991) was an English ballet dancer who spent her entire career as a dancer with the Royal Ballet. 






















Second Wind

Despite differences in background and temperament – she was methodical while he was wildly exuberant – and a 19-year gap in their ages, the pairing of Nureyev and Fonteyn was brilliant, as they were not partners but two stars of equal talent who pushed each other to their best performances. --- adapted from Wikipedia

Dame Margot Fonteyn

Had thought it insane

  To dance with the young Russian star --

She, twenty years older,

And he, young and bolder,

  Their temperaments not on a par, --

But new juxtapositions

Can pique one’s ambitions

  To show off the best that you are.



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