Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27 - Fromental Halévy (The Musical Birthday Series, 4th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for May 27th are available here: Celius Dougherty (2019), Harold Rome (2020), and Joachim Raff (2021)



Fromental Halévy (27 May 1799 – 17 March 1862) was a French composer mostly of operas.














A Hit, a Very Palpable Hit

After La Juive, his real successes were relatively few. -- Wikipedia

Fromental Halévy, you might not believe,

Composed forty operas, and not just La Juive;

When that many operas flow from your pen,

You’d hope more than one was performed now and then.

Fromental Halévy soldiered along,

Probably wondering what he did wrong;

He worked at his desk and was loath to admit,

That try as he might, he’d have only one hit.




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