Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8 - Robert Preston; Harry Rowe Shelley; Kanye West (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 8th are found here: Robert Schumann (2019), Tomaso Albinoni (2020), Nancy Sinatra (2021), and Robert Schumann (2022)



Robert Preston (8 June 1918 – 21 March 1987) was an American stage and film actor and singer,


Robert Preston

It’s doubtful if an actor can

Replace him as the Music Man.

He put his mark on Harold Hill,

The role was his, and always will

Remain the standard to attain,

When climbing on that Iowa train,

And hoodwinking the school committee

In the town of River City.






Harry Rowe Shelley (8 June 1858 – 12 September 12, 1947) was an American composer, organist, and professor of music. 


Henry Rowe Shelley

You may have heard one song of his, –

“The King of Love My Shepherd Is”.

But though he lived to ripe old age,

He rarely wrote another page

Among the many he completed

That one would want to hear repeated.









Kanye West (b. 8 June 1977) is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, and fashion designer.



Hear Ye, Hear Ye

I gave it thought,

  And think it’s best

To stay away

  From Kanye West.







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