Monday, November 13, 2023

November 13 - George Whitefield Chadwick (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for November 13h are here: Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow; George Whitefield Chadwick (2019), Whoopi Goldberg (2020), Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow (2021), and Bernhard Romberg (2022)



George Whitefield Chadwick (13 November 1854 – 4 April 1931) was one of the most respected American composers of his time.





















Don’t Curse the Precursors

Along with John Knowles Paine, Horatio Parker, Amy Beach, Arthur Foote, and Edward Mac Dowell, he [Chadwick] was a representative composer of what is called the Second New England School of American composers of the late 19th century—the generation before Charles Ives. – Wikipedia

The Second New England School consists

    Of Beech, MacDowell, and Paine;

Add Foote and Chadwick and the list’s

    Completed, in the main.

They lived in proper Boston style,

    And prospered in their lives,

While History, with a patient smile,

   Awaited Charles Ives.



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