Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3 - Anton Webern (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for December 3rd are here: Anton Webern (2019), Anton Webern; Casimir Schweizelsperg (2020)Anton Webern; Andy Williams (2021), and Antonio Soler; Anton Webern (2022)



Anton Webern (3 December 1883 – 15 September 1945) was one of the most important composers of the 20th century.























It pains me now to have to say

That Anton Webern’s had his day.

Fifty years ago his star

Was still a beacon, near and far,

And young composers in his debt,

Studied him with mind and sweat, —

And now his works so deftly made

Are scarcely ever heard or played.





His lapidary works devised

  With crystalline precision

Are praised by some, by some despised,

   For few, a no decision.




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