Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 3 - Anton Webern; Casimir Schweizelsperg (The Musical Birthday Series; 2nd Annual Cycle)

Anton Webern (3 December 1883 – 15 September 1945) was one of the most important composers of the 20th century.

[For last year's limericks on Anton Webern click here.]



Webern Speaks?

“Yes, I know that people scoffed

Because my works were short and soft,

But I doubt that I’d be prouder

If my things were long and louder.”












Casimir Schweizelsperg (3 December 1668 - after 1722) was a German composer with a provincial career.













Who Goes There?

Über seinen weiteren Lebensweg ist nichts bekannt.  (Nothing is known of the rest of his life) ---- Wikipedia, German edition


Casimir Schweizelsperg,

    Musical mystery,

Had a career and then

     Vanished from history.








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