Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 1 - Agathe Backer-Grøndahl (The Musical Birthday Series, 2nd Annual Cycle)

Agathe Backer-Grøndahl (1 December 1847 – 4 June 1907) was a Norwegian pianist and composer. 

[For last year's note on Bette Midler click hear.] 












Money's Worth

Backer-Grøndahl, who found herself in

     The loftiest of leagues,

Had studied with Liszt, and she had been

      A protégé of Grieg’s.

She had a successful concert career,

     Her followers were legion,

And concert-goers were eager to hear

     This talented Norwegian.

George Bernard Shaw, who heard her play,

     Ranked her with the greats,

And when she read what he had to say

     I hope she raised her rates!





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