Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February 7 - Eubie Blake; Erkki Melartin (The Musical Birthday Series, 5th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for February 7th are here: Eubie Blake (2020), (2021), Wilhelm Stenhammar (2022), and Benedikt Schack (2023)



Eubie Blake (7 February 1887 – 12 February 1983) was an important pianist and composer of popular songs and shows.

















Just Wild About It

In 1921, he and his long-time collaborator Noble Sissle wrote Shuffle Along, one of the first Broadway musicals written and directed by African Americans. – Wikipedia

The musical Shuffle Along

Delighted with dancing and song,

A mighty big break

For both Sissle and Blake,

With a run over thirteen months long.




Erkki Melartin (7 February 1875– 14 February 1937) was a Finnish composer, conductor, and teacher. 




















Also Ran

Melartin is generally considered to be one of Finland's most significant national Romantic composers, although his music—then and now—largely has been overshadowed by that of his exact contemporary, Jean Sibelius,  the country's most famous composer.  – Wikipedia

Of worthy names among the Finns

I’d like to mentions Melartin’s

From out of many might-have-beens.

His many works have been neglected,

(Although in Finland still respected),

Because of the attention directed

Towards Finland’s great symphonic son,

(I think that you can guess which one).

When everything was said and done

Sibelius couldn’t be outdone.



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