Saturday, June 8, 2024

June 8 - Robert Schumann (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for June 8th are found here: Robert Schumann (2019), Tomaso Albinoni (2020), Nancy Sinatra (2021)Robert Schumann (2022), and Robert Preston; Harry Rowe Shelley; Kanye West (2023)



Robert Schumann (8 June 1810 – 29 July 1856) was a German composer, pianist, and influential music critic.


















A Pox on Your House

The record of [Schumann's] autopsy was finally rediscovered in 1973. It turned out that Schumann has been wronged for many years—syphilis was not the cause of his mental problems. For this reason, the medical view of Schumann’s death changed. –  adapted from

Whether Schumann’s disease was venereal

Is a question that’s now immaterial.

Because in his youth he was bad, it

Seemed to make sense that he had it,

But his autopsy records oppose

The prevalent theories of those

Who attribute his manic depression

To disease from his youthful transgression.


Schumann’s Orchestration

Conductors have tinkered around

To improve how his symphonies sound.

But others, more recent,

Have thought this indecent,

And played the things just as they’re found.



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