Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16 - Lugi Arditi; Goffredo Petrassi (The Musical Birthday Series, 6th Annual Cycle)

Previous posts for July 16th are found here: Bella Davidovich (2019), Ginger Rogers (2020), Ginger Rogers; Eugène Ysaÿe (2021), Carmen Lombardo (2022), and James MacMillan (2023)


Luigi Arditi (16 July 1822 – 1 May 1903) was an Italian violinist, composer, and conductor. [Arditi birth date is sometimes listed as 22 July and I have celebrated that date in the past.]





















You Mean He Wrote Others?

Arditi's best-known operas are: I Briganti, II Corsaro, and La Spia. -- Wikipedia

In Wikipedia we read,

   “Arditi’s best-known operas are…”

A statement which, we’re all agreed

   Is more than just a bit bizarre.

No matter how they special plead,

   However low they set the bar,

Arditi’s honest fans concede

   These works are “close, but no cigar.”


Goffredo Petrassi (16 July 1904 – 2 March 2003) was an important Italian composer, conductor, and teacher.






















No Shame


He is considered one of the most influential Italian composers of the twentieth century. -- Wikipedia 

There’s no denying that Petrassi

Has a consequential posse,

And they might set about to shame us,

Declaring loudly, “Ignoramus!

Petrassi was so influential

That you should be more reverential!”

And yet, in spite of how it’s trumpeted,

You shouldn’t feel at all discomfited

If in the face of those who love him,

This verse is when you’ve first heard of him.



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